Healing the unseen layers…

Our conscious mind is running only a very small percentage of our entire being. The rest of our being is run by the subconscious and unconscious memories and energies we hold. Energies that are hidden in our many layers - organs, meridians, chakras, subtle bodies, systems, past lives, parallel lives, and ancestral lineages. By touching into these layers with intention, we can change undesirable aspects and release others. And then we are able to access and embody the innate power we have always had.

Experience the lightness of your being and shed beliefs, behaviors, and energies that no longer serve you. Feel more grace and ease in your day to day life, and more harmony with those around you. It’s your time.

  • Light Language (language of the soul)

  • Changing subconcious patterning

  • Ancestral lineage clearing

  • Clearing trauma throughout client’s age span and timeline

  • Chakra balancing

  • Aura strengthening

  • Past life clearing

  • Parallel life clearing

  • Karma clearing between people

  • Clearing limiting beliefs regarding the self, relationships, abundance, and addictions

  • Clearing emotions from physical body

  • Strengthening physical, emotional, energetic aspects of the being

  • Psychic surgery

  • Entity removal

  • Meditation

Schedule a session

Give yourself this time to release, strengthen, and positively shift your life and way of being in this world. Feel the lightening of your load and your being. YOU ARE WORTH IT!