
Sometimes we carry with us throughout our lives, unseen beliefs, traumas, blocks, and emotions that seem unreachable. We have tried many approaches to address these issues, but to no avail. They can be embedded in the subconscious, unconscious, and energetic layers of our being. Yet how can we get to them?

Energy Healing Session

  • Light Language (language of the soul)

  • Changing subconcious patterning

  • Ancestral lineage clearing

  • Clearing trauma throughout client’s age span and timeline

  • Chakra balancing

  • Aura strengthening

  • Past life clearing

  • Parallel life clearing

  • Karma clearing between people

$175 50 minutes

Each session is intuitively guided based on the individual client and their needs.

It can include:

  • Clearing limiting beliefs regarding the self, relationships, abundance, and addictions

  • Clearing emotions from physical body

  • Strengthening physical, emotional, energetic aspects of the being

  • Psychic surgery

  • Entity removal

  • Meditation

What Happens During a Session?

The sessions take place over zoom, as energy travels through space and time, and is just as potent as if in person.  You will be sent a zoom invite link upon booking a session.

Please come hydrated and sober to a session. You can sit back and relax during a session.  You will be asked to feel into a topic that you would like to work on. It is not necessary to dive deep into the energy of the issue, but gently feel it and observe what comes up for you. I will be dropping into your energetic field and intuitively be guided on how to address, clear, and strengthen your field. It is important to allow yourself to release what comes up for you.  For some people, it is very subtle.  Others might feel like crying or moving their body.  You are held in a safe space of nonjudgement and acceptance.  Allow it to unfold naturally. 

Sessions include both clearing away of unseen aspects, such as limiting beliefs, traumas, and emotional energies, as well as the strengthening of other aspects. You might hear me speaking “light language”, or the language of the soul. You do not need to understand what is being said from the cognitive mind as it is heard and understood by your soul and your higher mind.

Some sessions might involve giving instructions to your “superconscious”. This is the field of infinate knowledge, also known as the “higher mind”. It has access to all parts and memories of your soul. The superconscious knows exactly how to treat the parts of yourself and bring them into balance. You do not have to know how to do this with your conscious mind or try to “figure it out”. The superconscious knows what it is doing! It works in harmony with all the layers and systems in your being. This is based on the research and work of clinical psychologist Dr. Garry Flint, Ph.D, and Colette Streicher.

Some things can be cleared in one session, and others might need several sessions.  If you have been carrying something for a long time or many lifetimes, it may take several sessions to get to the root. You are the one to release and heal. I am here to guide and assist.

Be patient with yourself, as the rippling of effects of a session and the integration can last for more than a week after a session. 

What Happens After a Session?

After a session, it is helpul to take a salt bath - Pink Himalayan salt (clearing the auric field) or Dead Sea salt (clearing negative energies), to help clear away any remaining debris from your energetic field. It is also helpful to clean the energy of your space and your home with a smudge.

You may experience a variety of emotions and sensations after a session. For some it can be very subtle. Others might feel distinctly “lighter”, as if a heavy weight has been lifted.  Some might feel very tired or sensitive to stimulation (noise, chaotic environments, people) as there is an integration period. Physical symptoms, such as headache, body aches, or intense dreams are possible as the body purges what it no longer needs. Others might feel an empowered high, as if they can take on the world and they come into more of their power.   It can even go back and forth.

Be patient and gentle with yourself, as a recalibation of the bodily systems and the brain occurs. Try to avoid expectations. Flow organically with what comes and trust the process.  Spend time in nature, feel the sun on your face, the earth beneath your feet, and the breeze on your skin. And take it slow.